The Pilot Program on Establishing Mobile Primary Care Units (MPCUs) in Syunik, Armenia, and Artsakh is a pioneering initiative aimed at enhancing access to quality healthcare services in remote and border villages of the region. Aligned with the Ministry of Health's Action Plan and international best practices, the program seeks to address the healthcare disparities prevalent in rural populations, particularly in areas with challenging geographical terrain and limited infrastructure.
The inaugural launch of the mobile primary care unit in the Goris region of Syunik marz, Armenia, spearheaded by the French-Armenian Healthcare Foundation, Santé Arménie, marked a significant milestone following the 2020 war. In 2023, HENAR joined forces with the initiative to amplify its impact, facilitate its expansion and seamless integration into primary care system.
Despite the formidable challenges posed by the blockade and humanitarian crisis in Artsakh, the consortium successfully deployed a mobile unit in the Martuni region of Artsakh in May 2023. Operating steadfastly until the end of September 2023, this endeavor proved instrumental in extending vital healthcare services to the most vulnerable populations amidst the region's direst crises. Building upon this momentum, another mobile unit was launched in the Kapan region of Syunik marz in October 2023, further extending the reach and scope of our efforts.