Community Health Workers

in Syunik

Why are community health workers important?

Why are community health workers important?

Community Health Workers (CHW) are community members trained to provide health services, bridging gaps between communities and formal healthcare systems.​
CHWs as a Solution:
  • Mobilize populations to fix critical gaps.
  • Deliver care directly in communities.
  • Improve access, health outcomes, and behavioral change.
The Power of CHWs
  • Geographic Proximity: Reduce travel time and costs for accessing medical care.
  • Community Trust: Accelerate behavioral change through cultural competence.
  • Frequency of Contacts: Provide continuous care and chronic disease monitoring.
  • Bridging Gaps: Link communities to formal health systems and other social services.
Why Syunik?
  • Chronic Disease Burden: High prevalence of diabetes (12.3%) and hypertension (41%).
  • Mental Health Challenges: Anxiety, stress, and depression exacerbated by war and economic hardships.
  • Healthcare Access Barriers: Poor infrastructure, financial constraints, and lack of specialists.

Focus Group Discussions
  • 7 FGDs with locals and nurses in different villages of Syunik.
  • Semi-structured discussions recorded with participants' consent, transcribed, and analyzed

FGDs Insights
  • Common Conditions: diabetes, hypertension, stress, anxiety, and depression were frequently mentioned
  • Many challenges for perceiving care such as Financial and transportation barriers
Outcomes That Can Be Changed with linking CHWs to PHC System:

  • Improving Access: CHWs provide home visits, flexible hours, and assistance, ensuring primary care reaches underserved areas and removing barriers to care.

  • Building Trust and Community Support: CHWs foster community ties through health education, peer-support groups, and advocacy, while representing local needs to healthcare providers.

  • Enhancing Care Quality and Continuity: CHWs monitor chronic conditions, ensure treatment adherence, and act as bridges between patients and providers for seamless, consistent care.

  • WHO Framework - Equity Pillar of Primary Health Care: Ensures fairness in healthcare delivery by addressing social determinants of health and prioritizing underserved populations through culturally competent, trauma-informed care, advocacy, and targeted outreach to reduce disparities and improve outcomes.

Source: The economic benefits of investing in universal health coverage in Armenia (World Bank, 2023)
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