MPCU program initiated by HENAR Foundation and Santé Arménie association is already in Kapan
The Mobile Primary Health Care Unit (MPCU) program initiated by HENAR Foundation and Santé Arménie association is already in Kapan․
May, 03, 2022
In Syunik, the program was launched from the border villages of Goris, and since October 2023, also in Kapan.

The selection of villages was made as follows: those rural communities that have a population of 200 or more and are located at a distance of 12 km or more from their primary care center.

MPCUs have a clear schedule of visits: weekly or biweekly visits to Davit Bek, Artsvanik, Tsav, Srashen, Shishkert, Chakaten, Nerkin Hand, Yeghvard, Verin Khotanan, Shikahogh communities

MPCUs are operated by a family doctor and nurses in OPs who have adequate training and skills.

MPCU doctors responsibilities include the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of the most common diseases, the provision of emergency and urgent medical care, taking medical professional actions (interventions), the implementation of screening examinations, etc.

The project also aims to educate the citizens by promoting a healthy lifestyle, and continuous education, expanding the knowledge of nurses and doctors of the district, primary health care centers and medical centers.

The MPC unit is equipped with a portable computer, internet connection, a number of medical equipment and a mobile analyzer for some blood tests.

We'd also like to add that a Memorandum of Understanding was signed with HENAR, Santé Arménie and Syunik Marzpetaran, as well as a service provision agreement with Kapan Medical Center regarding ultrasound examinations.
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